Reg no. EKM/TC/436/2020

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"Justice aids the vigilant, not the one who sleeps on his rights"

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan , a much revered establishment and a name to be reckoned with in the educational sector today, commenced its operations In Kerala in the year 1964.Nevertheless,the parents of the KV students in the Ernakulam region have largely remained unorganised leading to a lacunae in the representation of the collective interests of the students here. Every institution grows and prospers with a platform to pay heed to the unheard voices of the several stakeholders. It is with this end in view that the Kendriya Vidyalaya Parents Federation (KVPF) has been formed.

The Federation has a key role to play in ensuring the privileges envisaged in the Education Code of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. The Education Code of Kendriya Vidyalaya does not perceive education as the mere transaction of an academic syllabus, but confers endless opportunities for the overall development of the students. The Primary objective of the Federation is to realize them at a more pragmatic level. Listed below are some of the areas where the Federation hopes to make fruitful interventions.

1) There is a provision for teaching certain Foreign Languages, Regional Languages, Computer Education, extensive sports training, counselling services etc. These rights are elaborated in Chapter X111 of the Education.


Scheme of Studies

  • As postulated in Article 108 regarding the scheme of studies, Co-Scholastic Activities like GAMES, ART/CRAFT/ MUSIC/DANCE shall be incorporated into the syllabus from Class 1 on to Class 5.
  • IT classes shall be provided from Class 3 onwards if facilities are available especially in view of the fact that a fee in that head is being collected.
  • For Class 6 to 8, any one of foreign languages can be opted in place of Sanskrit provided that a minimum number of 15 students opt for it.
  • Several physical education activities are also envisaged from class 6 onwards including Sports, NCC, Swimming etc.



Vidyalaya shall engage one teacher proficient in spoken English on contract basis for a minimum of 5 periods every day for primary classes and the payment shall be made from Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (VVN).



  • All STUDENTS of class 9 to 12 may be given access to counselling services. The Principal may allot the services of qualified teachers for 4-6 periods per week exclusively for guidance and counselling .
  • The services of competent professionals may be utilized throughout the year for career guidance and professional counselling. VVN may be utilized for the payment @25000 per month.



Computer fee charged shall be strictly used for computer education and it may be strictly credited to a separate head. If computer education is not imparted, no computer fee may be collected.

ART.129 and ART.132


  • The Dy. Commissioner shall allot 3 to 5 specific games to each school besides athletics which shall be promoted in all Vidyalayas.
  • The Vidyalaya shall engage reputed sports coaches. The expenses of hiring coaches may be met from VVN.



Expenditure on the preparation of sports fields , levelling , sports equipments etc shall be met from VVN
In the past these rights were either curtailed or neglected altogether. This Federation is hopeful of imparting necessary insights to the parents on various such issues and intends to take up the grievances in this regard with the authorities on their behalf.

2. Many a time KV students' achievements in the fields of extracurricular and non- academic matters are not properly acknowledged or appreciated. Several students remain unsung heroes. The Federation aims to identify and recognize those unsung heroes by proper felicitation.

3.Unfortunate fatal accidents or demise of parents occasionally leave the students in disarray both financially and emotionally. The Federation intends to stand by such children in their hour of agony and misery and to provide financial support if needed.

4.Fostering Interconnectivity and relationship among the parents not only within the school but even across the length and breadth of the region and outside is another objective of the Federation which would go a long way in furthering the aspirations and ensuring the safety and the well-being of our children.

5. The Federation aims to provide training sessions in various games such as Chess to develop the intellectual and analytical skills of the children.

6. In today's competitive and miniscule family era, many a child faces emotional breakdown. The students maybe depressed and frustrated due to various reasons. If they are guided and motivated in time, they will come up with flying colours. The Federation intends to provide sessions for motivating the KV children, facilitating their academic and non academic performance, career guidance etc.

To sum up, the Federation aims to float a platform for facilitating the overall growth and development of KV students which is poised to bring about a new dawn for the students and their parents. Let us watch them bloom into a life full of vigour and vitality.